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Guitare-sitar Chandra modèle Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier
Guitare-sitar Nilam modèle signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier
Guitare-sitar Djanaï modèle signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier

Djanaï guitare-sitar Michel Gentils bluesy
Djanaï guitare-sitar Michel Gentils bluesy
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Djanaï guitare-sitar Michel Gentils bluesy

Chandra guitare-sitar Michel Gentils
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Chandra guitare-sitar Michel Gentils

Nilam guitare-sitar Michel Gentils
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Nilam guitare-sitar Michel Gentils

Des sillets innovants

Finding the sound of the Sitar

In order to reproduce this unique sound of the sitar, it took years of work and research. To perfect our models we went to India to meet the luthiers who make this piece in an artisanal way.

Bridge saddle

Inspired by the Indian sitar, the bridge saddles of the "Michel Gentils signature" guitars made by Julien Jalaguier are worked with precision to the hundredth of a millimeter. Mastered today by very few luthiers around the world, this multi-millennial technique consists of "sculpting" the sound to achieve maximum harmonic richness and give a soul to the instrument: the "jawari". This adaptation of the sitar saddle to the guitar is the trademark of the "Michel Gentils signature" guitars. Upon leaving the workshop, each guitar is then validated by Michel Gentils in terms of settings and "jawari". Halfway between traditional lutherie and innovation, between West and East, new avenues of sound exploration are available to guitarists.

Sillet indien en os 6 cordes et sillet 6 cordes sympathiques en os Guitare-sitar Djanaï modèle signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier

Sillet indien en os 6 cordes

Sillet en os 2x3 cordes sympathiques

Modèle signature Michel Gentils "Djanaï"

Sillets en os tête cordes et cordes sympathiques Guitare-sitar Djanaï modèle signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier

Sillet en os 6 cordes

Sillet en os 2x3 cordes sympathiques

Modèle signature Michel Gentils "Djanaï"

Sillet de tête

Le modèle 6 cordes présente un double sillet de tête, dont l’un avec deux ouvertures dédiées aux cordes sympathiques, permettant un réglage précis de la hauteur de chaque corde pour un jeu plus confortable.

SGV510Z_aa76ec60-f034-4df6-b307-daf5fac0040c_1200x 2.jpg

Une précision optimale du son

Des mécaniques ultra précises

Les mécaniques japonaises  Gotoh SGL510Z assurent une précision inégalée.

Avec un ratio de 1:21, elles sont parmi les plus précises et durables au monde.

Mécanique gotoh ratio 1:21

Mécanique GOTOH ratio 1:21

Modèle signature Michel Gentils "Chandra"


Transformer le son

Harmonie & Résonance

Table d'harmonie

Hybrid Radiused Fan Bracing

The Red Cedar top, chosen by Michel Gentils for its round, warm and sustain-rich sound, offers a warm resonance and effective sound projection. Light and aesthetically appealing, Red Cedar stands out for its acoustic properties, its stability in the face of climatic variations and its rich history in lutherie. The "Hybrid Radiused Fan Bracing", designed to preserve the radius of the top, skillfully combines the influences of classical and folk guitar. This design offers exceptional richness of timbre and sustain, thus reinforcing the sound specific to the models in this series.

Guitar back

Active back

The "active back" bottom improves the timbre of the instrument. Studies have demonstrated an enrichment of the sound spectrum resulting from this type of bracing, with an additional resonance frequency between 220 and 250 Hz.

Triple sides

Reinforced to last a long time

The triple rib ensures better mechanical resistance, minimizing the risk of cracking and offering optimal longevity to the instrument. The use of selected woods such as padouk, spruce and mahogany guarantees an aesthetic and light combination.




Double ouïe

Captez le son avec autant de précision que votre public 

The dual sound holes improve the guitarist's sound perception, providing optimal hearing comfort.

The proportion between the sound hole and the sound hole ensures ideal sound projection.

for the musician and the audience.

Double ouïe Guitare-sitar Chandra modèle signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier
Pan coupé type florentin Guitare-sitar série signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier


22 frets & extended range

Florentine type, the cutaway fits perfectly into the series offering 22 frets. It allows access to higher notes. Contrary to popular belief, it does not affect the sound of the guitar. On the other hand, it significantly increases its ambitus, that is to say the extent of the range between its lowest and highest note.


Custom tension transmission system


The combination of the floating bridge and the tailpiece allows for extended mechanical transmission offering the best possible sustain. Each tailpiece is custom-made according to the number of strings and their spacing.

Modèle signature Michel Gentils "Djanaï"


Resonating system

Sympathetic strings

Like Indian sitars, the sympathetic strings add a natural reverberation and contribute to the richness of the instrument's sound. The carbon reinforcements, specific to the Michel Gentils 6-string signature model, precisely preserve all settings. This level of precision is essential to obtain the characteristic Indian sound, a sound to the 100th of a millimeter.

Sympathetic strings

Michel Gentils "Djanaï" model

Choose your new sound

Guitare-sitar Nilam modèle signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier

Michel Gentils

"Nilam" model

5600 €

10 strings

Top : Red Cedar

Sides & back : Padouk

Tuners Gotoh 1:21

Bone saddle with indian shape


Nut saddle : 48 mm

Scale : 26 inches

Satin varnish

Guitare-sitar Djanaï modèle signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier

Michel Gentils

"Djanaï" model

6300 €

6 strings + 6 sympathetic strings

Top : Red Cedar

Sides & back : Padouk

Gotoh 1:21 + Riot black 1:40

Bone saddle with indian shape


Nut saddle : 45 mm

Scale : 26 inches

Satin varnish

Guitare-sitar Chandra modèle signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier

Michel Gentils

"Chandra" model

A partir de 5600 €

10 strings baritone

Top : Red Cedar

Sides & back : Padouk

Tuners Gotoh 1:21

Bone saddle with indian shape


Nut saddle : 49 mm

Scale : 26.85 inches

Satin varnish

Le mot de Michel Gentils

Michel Gentils guitariste jouant sur la guitare-sitar Chandra modèle signature Michel Gentils par le luthier Julien Jalaguier

"I have the great pleasure of announcing the release of a series of "Michel Gentils Signature" guitars from the French luthier Julien Jalaguier, guitars that sound like the sitar of India.


I started this research in 1985 and have since produced several prototypes, including my famous two-neck guitar made by luthier Jean-Pierre Favino.


For several years, I have continued this research in close collaboration with Julien Jalaguier. He was able to design the violin-making elements that would enhance or even enrich the sound effect of the flat saddle of the bridge, this key piece of Indian string instruments: choice of wood, tuning fork, tailpiece, bridge, etc.

We ended up obtaining a reliable result that far exceeded our expectations: a single note produces a veritable rainbow of notes. The resonance by sympathy is multiplied, the “sustain” is much longer, the dynamics extraordinary. In short, this new instrument is almost an “over-guitar”, a guitar with extraordinary sounds hitherto unknown. It allows you to express yourself better, to go much further than a guitar in nuance, finesse, power. And this Indian resonance which envelops the music in no way detracts from its precision: you can play very slowly or very quickly, each note can be heard distinctly. With Julien Jalaguier, I finally achieved my forty-year-old dream: to bring the guitarist the sonic dimension of Indian stringed instruments, a dimension far superior in this area to anything that a guitar has ever produced. so far.”


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